
As you might read in the first entry of this blog, my boyfriend and I are travelling to Taiwan in the fall of 2010. This blog is going to be used to document my fascination with the country we are going to and – once there – I’ll also use it to show how our experience is going.

If you like my blog, please do follow it, comment in it, and let me know what you think always!

Update: 16 October 2010

We have an itinerary set! You can find it below:


November 5: Leave to go to Maine via bus

Here, we are staying with my family. Won’t be seeing them for a long time and they are helping out with my ticket. It will be fun, and it’s Dave’s first time in Maine.

November 10: Leave Maine to go to Boston in order to fly to LAX

Another first for Dave, we’ll be staying with my grandparents in Costa Mesa for a week. I haven’t been to California since I was 16. I’m hoping for a trip to either Disneyland or Knott’s Berry Farm. Just because. And I linked the Knott’s site because it’s one of the lesser known theme parks, but one of the best. If you are ever in Southern California and think you might be too jaded for the likes of Disney, I’d give this one a try.

November 17: Leave LAX for Taipei!

This is when things really get underway. We’ll play tourist for a few weeks before finding jobs, I imagine, which is why we’re saving money like mad before we go.


The itinerary was originally posted here on 30 September 2010.

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