Three Days Until Takeoff

2 Nov

Well, it’s been quite the last few days! Dave and I have been doing a lot of packing procrastinating, but pretty much everything is in order. I had my last day of work yesterday. As is appropriate for a coffee house, they sent me off with a lovely ceramic mug and a card signed by everyone wishing me well. My favourite goodbye was from a coworker in the cafe, “Don’t leave me!!” Another told me my “tuna melts rocked,” and another asked me to “send food xo.” I’ll do my best. Dave also finished off his last day, and both of us celebrated by doing absolutely nothing.

In any case, there is little news to report. This is more like a “checking in” entry. What little news there is:

1) There will soon be official itinerary changes to mark this, but it seems we will be taking a stop in Borneo to break up our first month in Taiwan. Not a bad break, eh?

image from

2) We’re taking any and all mailing addresses and we absolutely promise a postcard to anyone who gives us an address. You can send me a private message on facebook with your address or email it to me. I would assume if you are reading this blog, you have one of the two. But if not, comment on here and we’ll do something about that.

We’ve been starting the long line of visiting and people calling to send us off (which is very nice of everyone, and I am genuinely more than happy to see everyone). All balanced between getting a few more last minute shots and then going to the police to get our background checks started. Oi vey. But I’d rather try and get all my ducks in line before we get to Taiwan rather than after.

This is my first trip ever to anywhere outside North America besides Ireland, might I add. The nerves are piling up like firecrackers, and I feel like I’m going to explode. But that’s normal. Right?

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