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A Do-Over: Trading Osaka for Taipei

19 Jul

So, this is what they mean when they say “do-over.”

Let me explain. (This extrapolation will serve double-duty, telling those of you whom I don’t speak to often of my new plans.) My boyfriend, Dave, and I were planning to travel to Japan. More specifically, we were drooling over the prospect of Osaka, the second biggest city in Japan with a reputation for its winning combination of modernity and traditional values, especially its architecture. So excited was I that I even made a blog about it.

Now that blog is null and void, as we have changed our plans and are headed southwest of Japan, bound for Taiwan, aiming at Taipei.

Why the change of heart? Mostly to do with money. Of course money isn’t everything, but sometimes it’s just enough. We found out through several resources that, while we would make more money teaching English in Japan, we wouldn’t get to save as much of it since the cost of living is so high. In Taiwan, we can (hope to) expect the opposite: we will make a bit less money, but we will be able to keep more of it, while simultaneously biting the head off the travel bug we both have.

So our plans are ever changing. Hopefully we won’t find out that Taiwan hosts some local ferocious beasts that only enjoy feasting on Canadians. I can only make so many blogs.

But for now, we are aiming to leave Nova Scotia in the autumn to embark on a ridiculously long flight, predicted at around 25-30 hours. But we hope that it will all be worth it in the end for the experiences we have.

Starting a bit early, am I? Very true. I hope to use this blog to update any friends, family, and friends of friends and family on our developing plans. Every time I get on the phone with my mother, she’s asking if we’re “still travelling to Asia.” And I get on the phone with my mom multiple times a week. Mom, if you’re reading, consider this proof that yes, we are still going.

I also want to use this blog as a storage unit for any relevant information on Taiwan and its culture, especially its art scene. We are crossing our fingers for an awesome arts and music scene in Taipei, and so far, from my research, we might be in luck. But we’ll never know until we get there.

Until next time!